Europe - 1914 is one of 8 Default Scenarios and is made with the Europe Map. It is set in January of 1914, 6 Months before the Outbreak of WWI. The Great powers of the map are the Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire and France. The Scenario was introduced in the v3.0.3 update originally made by Zertic (remade by Spacewolf9) and had a total of 28 nations.
History[edit | edit source]
Originally, there was only one Europe scenario. That being Europe - 1938. It wasn't until update version 3.0.3, where two new Europe scenarios were introduced, 1914 and 2024. Upon first release, the map had 27 nations and 55 cities and was created by user Zertic.
Eventually in v3.1.3, Europe was massively overhauled by again Zertic and its scenarios were all revamped, including 1914. This is the currently used Europe - 1914 scenario and consists of 28 nations and 75 cities. This scenario was created by Spacewolf9 alongside 1938.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Before 1914 was released. There were dozens of 1914 Europe maps on the steam workshop. The top 3 relevant as of June 25th are stol's, lilatona's, and SpaceWolff9's.
- When 1914 was released, there was a typo in Austria-Hungary and it had become an inside joke within the AoC community "Austia-Hungary"
- It was possible that the old 1914 map would've been replaced by Spacewolf9's Europe - 1914 map on the workshop. This was scrapped as the map was outdated in parts and patches for the old 1914 map were made.
- Europe - 1914 has the least number of nations in the default scenarios, with a total of 28.