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    Ages of Conflict Wiki

    This page is "edit" protected. The "sysop" right is required to "edit" this page.<ul class='mw-logevent-loglines'> <li data-mw-logid="624" data-mw-logaction="protect/protect" class="mw-logline-protect"> <a href="/wiki/Special:Log?logid=624" title="Special:Log">19:04, 6 August 2024</a> <a href="/wiki/User:CrimzonConflict" class="mw-userlink" title="User:CrimzonConflict"><bdi>CrimzonConflict</bdi></a> <span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links"><span><a href="/wiki/User_talk:CrimzonConflict" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk" title="User talk:CrimzonConflict">talk</a></span> <span><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/CrimzonConflict" class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs" title="Special:Contributions/CrimzonConflict">contribs</a></span></span> protected <a href="/wiki/JokuPelle" title="JokuPelle">JokuPelle</a> [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) <span class="comment">(Contributor Pages are now protected, only admins will be able to edit. If you want your page (if you&#039;re a contributor) edited or created contact a wiki admin.)</span> <span class="mw-logevent-actionlink">(<a href="/wiki/JokuPelle?action=history&amp;offset=20240806190432" title="JokuPelle">hist</a>)</span> </li> </ul></ul>
    This page is "move" protected. The "sysop" right is required to "move" this page.<ul class='mw-logevent-loglines'> <li data-mw-logid="624" data-mw-logaction="protect/protect" class="mw-logline-protect"> <a href="/wiki/Special:Log?logid=624" title="Special:Log">19:04, 6 August 2024</a> <a href="/wiki/User:CrimzonConflict" class="mw-userlink" title="User:CrimzonConflict"><bdi>CrimzonConflict</bdi></a> <span class="mw-usertoollinks mw-changeslist-links"><span><a href="/wiki/User_talk:CrimzonConflict" class="mw-usertoollinks-talk" title="User talk:CrimzonConflict">talk</a></span> <span><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/CrimzonConflict" class="mw-usertoollinks-contribs" title="Special:Contributions/CrimzonConflict">contribs</a></span></span> protected <a href="/wiki/JokuPelle" title="JokuPelle">JokuPelle</a> [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) <span class="comment">(Contributor Pages are now protected, only admins will be able to edit. If you want your page (if you&#039;re a contributor) edited or created contact a wiki admin.)</span> <span class="mw-logevent-actionlink">(<a href="/wiki/JokuPelle?action=history&amp;offset=20240806190432" title="JokuPelle">hist</a>)</span> </li> </ul></ul>

    (Redirected from JoySpark Games)

    JokuPelle is the developer of Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator.

    Before Ages of Conflict he released two other games on his Itch.io profile: Cubris and Jahu Island Crash.

    JokuPelle also uses a pseudonym called JoySpark Games as the more "official" developer name for the game on Steam, Mobile Stores and some social media sites.

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