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    Ages of Conflict Wiki

    This page is a stub.

    Reason: Work In Progress

    If you have information, please contribute to expanding this article.

    This page lists all the current and previous bugs or technical issues in the game, you should report these in the Issues within the Discord. This page may not be accurate.[1]

    Active[edit | edit source]

    Name Type
    Capitals can be deleted Bug
    Spawning nations on cores give the previous nation rightful ownership of the capital Bug
    Popups behind display settings Bug

    Fixed[edit | edit source]

    Name Type When Fixed
    Miami isn't named in the Americas map Typo ?
    Austria-Hungary Misspelled as "Austia-Hungary" Typo ?
    1. There is/has been a lot of bugs so this page not represent all of them or may be outdated.
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