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    Ages of Conflict Wiki
    The Nation of Germany invading Poland in 1938

    Nations, sometimes known as Countries or States, are core game mechanics on which the Ages of Conflict is based. Nations are ruled by AI meaning they complete actions such as Wars and Alliances on their own.

    Mechanics[edit | edit source]

    Nations will gain gold overtime, Gold is earned based on the land owned and the amount of neighbors. Countries will gain gold while at peace, and lose it while at war. If the opposing sides in a war are both out of gold, the war will immediately end even if its to death. Gold values can also determined by the terrain. An example being that a Desert/Tundra will produce less gold than basic land.

    New Zealand from the World Map (Large)

    There are a lot of pre-made nations in the base game scenarios. Nations have at least one city, that being their capital city which is where the country name will display. If there are no core cities and the capital city is conquered the country will be destroyed through annexation or collapse. After the v3.1.1 update, cities were granted the ability to be named, you're also able to Remove, turn into capital, establish core, and revoke a core. If there is no core, a nation with a high revolt risk percentage will experience a revolt. Revolts are named based off of their capital city name, if not having a preset rightful owner that has collapsed. If neither are the case, then a new nation will form with a randomly generated name, which can be found here.

    Player Abilities[edit | edit source]

    Actions can also be controlled by the player through the actions tab in the nations panel. Nations names, colors, revolts and more can also be accessed here. The AI's autonomy can also be limited due to the v3.2.0 update introducing puppets. Furthermore the God Mode option allows you to set what the AI can and cannot do.

    There is also a statistics section for multiple categories. Including Area, which is based off the currently largest nations. Max Area, which is based off of the maximum extent of a nations size, weather its dead or not. Ages, which is how long the nation has survived without dying. Gold, which is based on the nations with the highest gold values. And finally Alliances, which is the current total area of all nations within it.

    Names[edit | edit source]

    In-Game there are randomly generated names for nations, they are used whenever a new nation is spawned or an unnamed revolt occurs. That you c an edit. There are multiple first and last names which both randomly combine to create a name for the new nation. A list of all possible first and last names are seen below.

    Prefixes Suffixes
    Red land
    Green haven
    Blue bay
    Purple hill
    Black valley
    White stan
    Uno nen
    Yellow la
    High lie
    Low luu
    Find van
    Lily castle
    Oyle fort
    Mighty height
    Raven caven
    Wolf corner
    Fox top
    Elk meadow
    Heath field
    Milo wood
    Jos grave
    Plae nia
    New fam
    Old pot
    Elfli hut
    Major crag
    Minor rock
    Cotten ton
    Brisk tron
    North lia
    South keep
    East hold
    West ville
    Wind folk
    Oak ington
    Kings var
    Wael burg
    Bright berg
    Hell pelle

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • The largest starting nation, the Soviet Union, has 37k pixels of land in the Europe - 1938 Scenario and more
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