Diplomacy includes 4 game mechanics, Revolts, Wars, Puppets, and Alliances. These features are key fundamentals for a nation's AI to function. these are also better visible via the map displays with two exclusive ones for Puppets and Alliances.
Wars[edit | edit source]

Wars are one of the actions a nation AI can use. The actions panel in the nation UI allows the player to start wars, make nations fight to the death, sign peace, and annex another nation. Upon the declaration of a war, the participating nations will immediately attack each other and claim each others territory. Unclaimed pixels will show up in some cases if there is a conflict on who will own the tile, having a chance to go to either participant.
Combat Efficiency determines how well a nation preforms in a war. It can be scaled from a score from 1-6. With a higher value giving them a better chance at conquering the other nation. If a nation has a combat efficiency of 1 or 6, an icon will appear right of the nation name to visibly see how good the nation is preforming
If the set amount of time for a war is reached, the nations will sign peace with one another. This ends a war by ceasing all activity on the borders until another war begins between the two. However if a nation is conquered, that means its capital city and all cores were captured. When this occurs, there are two outcomes. Option 1 is when a nation is conquered, the entire country collapses and becomes unclaimed territory. Option 2, which is togglable as "Winner takes all", gives all of the conquered nations territory to the nation that took its final capital city.
Alliances[edit | edit source]
Alliances are another action that an AI uses. Alliances can be edited in a nation member's UI, This is also where the Alliances name is shown. Within the actions panel, you can forcefully have nations join/form an alliance, leave an alliance, or have members donate gold to another. When alliances are created, it is given a randomly generated name. The alliance color and name is also influenced by the nation who "formed" the alliance. Alliances also have their own togglable map view.

When a nation that's part of an alliance goes to war with another nation, other alliance members will help attack that nation. This also applies when an alliance member is attacked. When members of an alliance are unable to join the war, they will send donations to their ally at war. A donation is when a member of an alliance sends 20% of its gold to another ally. This caps out at 5000 gold, however. Donations also increase combat efficiency during a war.
A nations stress value is determined on a scale of 1-100, and effects the chances of alliance unifications and disbandment as well as how likely a nation is to leave the alliance. Alliance unifications cause a certain nation to "unify" or be annexed into another nation, and alliance disbandment is when the entire alliance falls.
Revolts[edit | edit source]
Revolts are rebellions from a nation from a non-cored city, they can either be new nations or older nations previously conquered. Revolts can be toggled on or off in God Mode, revolts can happen naturally due to non zero revolt chance or manually by the player by clicking on a non-cored city and clicking "Spawn Revolt". As of now there are 4 different types of revolt borders available through 4 options: "Manhattan" "Euclidean" "Classic" and "Random". These have unique border types that are also dependent on other nearby cities. Each are described in game as:

- Classic: "Diamond shaped borders always, but they stand out more"
- Manhattan: "More fuzzy lines, but can result in straight horizontal or vertical borders"
- Euclidean: "Longer straight lines in borders, but less horizontal or vertical borders"
- Random: "Randomize between Manhattan & Euclidean. Simultaneous revolts can cause messy borders"
Both Euclidean and Manhattan use variations of Voronoi Diagrams. Revolts will be assigned random colors and names based off an internal list of prefixes and suffixes while taking a portion of their parent country's gold supply. Upon creation, each revolt has a 4 on their Combat efficiency (The Default).
Puppets[edit | edit source]

Puppets are nations subjugated by another nation, they appear on the map either with the master's outline or as a shade of their master's color based of the chosen setting in Display Options. Puppets can also be formed and released using the nations action panel. Puppets also have their own togglable map view.
Throughout a certain amount of time, an orange color will slowly fill the left box in the integration section of the nation UI. When filled, all puppets will donate gold to their master nation. Furthermore, a longer box to the right of the orange one is slightly filled with a green color. After a series of donations, the green bar will fill up. When filled, the master will seize a territory from one of its puppets. A territory is also determined by a selected revolt border type.

A master will also release their puppet if they feel it is necessary, and can be forced to if a puppet revolt is successful. A puppet revolt's success is based on if the revolting puppet had gotten more or less pixels before the rebellion. If the puppet revolt's size is equal to or greater than that of before the rebellion. it will be freed when the war ends.