This module stores configuration data for Module:Namespace detect. Here you can localise the module to your wiki's language.
To activate a configuration item, you need to uncomment it. This means that you need to remove the text "-- " at the start of the line.
-- This Module is used for making templates based in the Lua language.
-- See more details about Lua in [[w:Help:Lua]].
-- The Fandom Developer's Wiki hosts Global Lua Modules that can be imported and locally overridden.
-- The next line imports from the [[w:c:dev:Global Lua Modules]].
local nsConfiguration = require('Module:Namespace detect/secondconfig')
-- See more details about this module at [[w:c:dev:Global_Lua_Modules/Namespace_detect]]
-- The imported Module is overwritten locally to include default configuration.
-- For a more flexible experience, delete the page import
-- and paste (and modify as you like) its contents into this page
-- The last line produces the output for the template
return nsConfiguration