
From Ages of Conflict
Revision as of 17:56, 26 February 2024 by Battadia (talk | contribs) (Maybe?)


* Name:        DiscordIntegrator
* Author:      KockaAdmiralac <wikia@kocka.tech>
* Description: Allows intergration with Discord [1]

(function() {

   'use strict';
   var mconfig = mw.config.get([
   if (window.DiscordIntegratorLoaded) {
   window.DiscordIntegratorLoaded = true;
    * Main object
    * @static
   var DiscordIntegrator = {
        * Configuration for the plugin
        * @property config
        * @type {Object}
       config: (window.DiscordIntegratorConfig || {}).siderail || {},
        * Preloads translations.
       imported: function(i18n) {
               window.dev.i18n.loadMessages('DiscordIntegrator', {
                   cacheVersion: 3
        * Preload resources
       preload: function(i18n) {
           this.i18n = i18n;
           this.api = new mw.Api();
               action: 'query',
               meta: 'allmessages',
               ammessages: [
               ].map(function(el) {
                   return 'Custom-DiscordIntegrator-config-' + el;
               amlang: mconfig.wgUserLanguage === 'qqx' ?
                   mconfig.wgContentLanguage :
               uselang: 'content', // T97096
               smaxage: 300,
               maxage: 300
           }).done((function(d) {
               if (!d.error) {
                   d.query.allmessages.forEach(function(el) {
                       if(el['*']) {
                           this.config[el.name.substring(32)] = el['*'];
                   }, this);
                   this._loading = 0;
                   ['text', 'title', 'footer'].forEach(this.parse, this);
                   if (this._loading === 0) {
        * Parse the configuration that needs to be parsed
       parse: function(msg) {
           if (this.config[msg]) {
                   action: 'parse',
                   text: this.config[msg],
                   // Also cache the individual parser outputs of messages for anonymous users.
                   // This can be a bit more aggressive as the cache varies on the
                   // actual message text, which often contains no wikitext at all.
                   smaxage: 86400,
                   maxage: 86400
               }).done((function(d) {
                   if (!d.error) {
                       this.config[msg] = d.parse.text['*'];
                       if (--this._loading === 0) {
        * Initializing
       init: function() {
           if (this.config.id && $('#WikiaRail').length > 0) {
               var clas = $('#WikiaRail').attr('class');
               if (clas) {
                   var classSplit = clas.split(/\s+/);
                   if (classSplit.indexOf('loaded') === -1 && classSplit.indexOf('is-ready') === -1) {
                       $('#WikiaRail').on('afterLoad.rail', this.insertToSiderail.bind(this));
                   } else {
               } else {
        * Inserting the widget to siderail
       insertToSiderail: function() {
           var filter = $('#top-right-boxad-wrapper, #top-boxad-wrapper, #NATIVE_TABOOLA_RAIL, .content-review-module').last();
           // TODO: Insert some user configuration here

var el = $('

', { class: 'DiscordIntegratorModule rail-module' });
           if (this.config.title) {

', { 'class': 'activity-heading', html: this.config.title.trim() }) ); } if (this.config.text) { el.append( $('

', { id: 'DiscordIntegratorModuleText', html: this.config.text }) ); } el.append(this.generateContent(this.config)); if (this.config.footer) { el.append( $('

', { id: 'DiscordIntegratorModuleFooter', html: this.config.footer }) ); } if (filter.length > 0) { el.insertAfter(filter); } else { $('#WikiaRail').prepend(el); } if (this.config.moduleHeight) { mw.util.addCSS('.DiscordIntegratorModule { height: ' + Number(this.config.moduleHeight) + 'px; }'); } mw.hook('DiscordIntegrator.added').fire(el); }, /** * Finding the designated places in content * in which to place the widget and placing it */ insertToContent: function($content) { $content.find('.DiscordIntegrator:not(.loaded)').each((function(cabbage, el) { el = $(el); el.html(this.generateContent(el.data())) .addClass('loaded'); }).bind(this)); }, /** * Determines the theme of the widget. * @param {string} config Configured theme * @return {string} 'light' or 'dark' depending on the wiki theme and configuration */ determineTheme: function(config) { // If explicitly configured to light or dark. if (config === 'dark') { return 'dark'; } if (config === 'light') { return 'light'; } // If not configured, and the current FandomDesktop theme is set. if ($('body').hasClass('theme-fandomdesktop-light')) { return 'light'; } if ($('body').hasClass('theme-fandomdesktop-dark')) { return 'dark'; } // Otherwise, default to dark. return 'dark'; }, /** * Generating widget content from an object * @return {string} Content of the widget */ generateContent: function(config) { if (!config.id || !String(config.id).match(/\d{17,19}/)) { return this.i18n.msg('error').parse(); } if ( ( config.loggedIn === true || Boolean(config['logged-in']) === true && config['logged-in'] !== 'false' && config['logged-in'] !== '{{{loggedIn}}}' ) && !mconfig.wgUserName ) { return this.i18n.msg('login').parse(); } var username = config.username === '@disabled' ?  : config.username === '@function' && typeof window.DiscordIntegratorGetUsername === 'function' ? window.DiscordIntegratorGetUsername() : config.username || mconfig.wgUserName; return mw.html.element('iframe', { src: 'https://discord.com/widget?id=' + config.id + '&theme=' + this.determineTheme(config.theme) + '&username=' + encodeURIComponent(username), width: config.width || '100%', height: config.height || '400px', allowtransparency: 'true', frameborder: '0', title: this.i18n.msg('title').plain() }); } }; importArticle({ type: 'script', article: 'u:dev:MediaWiki:I18n-js/code.js' }).then(DiscordIntegrator.imported.bind(DiscordIntegrator)); })();}}