
From Ages of Conflict
Revision as of 00:06, 27 February 2024 by Half-Time919 (talk | contribs)
A Non-Core City
A Core City
Capital City

Cities are a core game mechanic within Ages of Conflict, spawning a nation will forcefully give it a Capital city and a nation must have at least 1 city, Cities where introduced after the V2.2.0 Update aka the City Spawning and Localization Update. Cities can either be Core or Non core, Core meaning they are Green and able to move there capital city there and Non core meaning Revolts can happen there, Cities can be removed manually or if Razing is enabled giving a 50% of removing a conquered nations capital city, In God mode you can spawn as many Core or non Core cities as you like to the map, A capital city is where a nation's name and gold is located as well as any other Map animations.


  • Before the v2.2.0 Update, Cities where only obtainable via spawning in new nations