Ages of Conflict:World War Simulator is regularly updated game since it's first beta version in August 20, 2022. These updates are carried out by the Game's solo developer JokuPelle with community suggestions and bugs taken into account, These updates happen at least once a month. They are released on Steam and the Discord.
You can take a PNG screenshot of the current map using F1-key (cities are not included). These are currently saved into the game directory > Ages of Conflict_Data > Screenshots. I may change this later, but for now they are here so they don't get saved into Steam Cloud
Raised size limit for imported maps (meaning maps made outside the in-game editor) from 500k pixels to 4 million pixels
Added a warning for maps & scenarios larger than 500k pixels telling you that those maps might not run well. So play at your own risk!
Added an overall size bar to Map Editor Setup view to more easily know how close to max your map size is
In scenario editor, when you remove a nation, it doesn't remove the city unless you hold shift while doing it
Added a text popup for peace deals. These are disabled by default
Bugfixes & Improvements
You can now manually type map dimensions in the Map Editor
Instead of Map Editor width and height limit both being stuck at 600 pixels, now they are dynamically changed based on changing the other, to make it so that overall max size is always 360k pixels
If "Hide Bottom Row" option is turned on, text popups will move to the bottom corner when bottom row gets hidden
Fixed a bug where city popup didn't close after removing selected city in Scenario Editor
Fixed a bug where classic revolts spawned with only one tile
You can choose the look of puppet nations in Display Settings, so either the new color overlays similar to overlord, or the colored border. This setting will be saved
You can now see the puppets of your allies on Diplomatic View
You can now see the puppets of your overlord's allies in Diplomatic View
Added missing tooltip to Puppet control action
When on Alliance view, if an allied nation has puppets, their border will use the alliance color instead of grey
Slightly adjusted puppet colorization to make puppets not blend so much with their overlord
Fixed a bug where the "No Nation selected!" text color in Territory Painter did not update correctly
Fixed a bug where puppets of allied nations could declare war on each other
If a city has a name and a new nation spawns there as a revolt, it will be given the same name instead of a random name
If you click the info icon in main menu containing the save folder location, the folder path will be copied to your clipboard to hopefully make finding the folder easier
Bugfixes & Improvements
Fixed a bug where the info about who destroyed a nation was lost when loading a save file
Fixed a bug where the City Popup would close when dragging the camera with the mouse or mobile joysticks
Fixed a bug where the Rightful owner link in City Popup wasn't updated when pressing core/revert buttons
Fixed a bug where territory tool could not be deselected if no nation was selected
Fixed a bug where text input fields sometimes allowed forbitten characters
Fixed an issue where the game could crash with a long nation name by adding name limit of 100 characters
Fixed an issue where some text fields in Actions Panel did not change to pixel font
Changed how City Popup closes. It will not close when clicking on other UI. It can be closed by clicking on the map or with the close button in the corner
Scenario Editor no more zooms in/out when switching tool with the exception of the first action in a new scenario
Territory brush in Scenario Editor can now be toggled on without a nation selected
Added Rich Presence integration with Steam and Discord. With this, your friends will be able to better tell what you are doing in the game through your profile
You can turn off Rich Presence from the Settings
New nations now have a larger selection of colors, including more darker and more saturated ones
UI Textures and Layout have been completely redesigned in most places
The game now uses a cohesive art style across the game, instead of a complete mix of vector art and pixel art of different resolutions
Buttons now have better responsiveness, like highlights or animations
Many sections of the UI are now more uniform with other parts
Scenario Editor UI has been made simpler and easier to understand and it now more closely resembles the God Mode Panel
Language is now changed from the Main Menu top row
Map Editor now has a better preview image to show how big of a map you are creating
The cursor's look has been remade when attacking, allying, or spawning
Eraser toggle has been removed from Scenario Editor. You can now simply right click on empty land or water to deselect current nation and paint unoccupied land
Other Additions
Game now has a custom cursor
Clicking on a nation now produces a small sound
Added an option in the Settings to toggle between a pixel/non-pixel font
When looking at scenarios and saves in the main menu, you can now see their accurate date
Bugfixes & Improvements
Improved how the game scales on wide or narrow aspect ratios
When selecting a random simulation, a number of cities will also be spawned unless changed
Minimum Nation name length has been changed from 3 to 1 character
The game should now support using Cyrillic character, like Russian alphabet
Fixed a bug where Tooltips flickered sometimes when appearing
Fixed some errors when inputting invalid years in Scenario Editor
Fixed an issue where Turkish and Finnish Scenariotranslations were switched
Changed how much gold a revolt can acquire upon its formation from their previous overlord. Size is still the biggest factor, but it caps at 75% of the overlords gold.
Attempted to fix Nation'sgold going into negatives
Fixed destroyed nations going into scenarios and causing broken files
Fixed Workshop view not closing when switching selected map in Maps list
Improved look of text selection color and caret size in multiple text input fields
Fixed being able to click on things after screen begins to fade to black
Added World AI Option to disable revolts forming new random nations
Added World AI Option to disable possibility of nations razing opponent's capital
Added option in Random Simulation to spawn normal cities around the map
Added Setting for adjusting map zoom sensitivity
Bugfixes & Improvements
I and K keys used for zooming the map have been replaced with Q and E keys
Instead of there being a 50% chance for a nation to ALWAYS raze a capital or NEVER, there is now a 50% chance per capital conquest as to whether capital will be razed
Updated user files location for custom maps/scenarios/saves
I "fixed" the default file location for files generated by the user, so now when you open your game, custom maps, scenarios and saves made by YOU will seem to be missing.
Here's how you can relocate your old files to the new folder:
Open the game and double check the new folder name from the info bubble on "New Game" List
Open your file explorer and go to your Users folder and then to the correct User folder (you might have multiple users but go to the one mentioned in the game info bubble). Also depending on your computer's language the name of some folders might be localized.
Once inside the username folder, you might not see the Library folder because it is usually hidden. You can show hidden folders by pressing "Command" + "Shift" + "." (period). You should see a semi transparent Library folder.
From there you should be able to navigate to the Application Support folder, where you should find both the old and new folders. You can then simply move all your custom files from inside the old "com.DefaultCompany.2DProject" folder to the new "com.JoySparkGames.AgesOfConflict" folder.
When you open the game again, your old custom files should show up again
Completely reworked God Mode Panel. There is now a separate panel which can be opened next to the Statistics Panel, where World Settings and new Tools will be included
Old God Mode panel in Nation View has been renamed to Actions and improved
Added World AI Setting for disabling nations leaving Alliances on their own
Added option for a Static Combat Efficiency, in addition to Random and Progressive